Saturday, March 15, 2008

The things that matter

I've had a back and forth relationship with the idea of blogging. I kept a blog during our adoption journey to our son. I like being able to share my thoughts with a community, but dread the idea that I'm disappointing people by not posting often enough. I was amazed and humbled by the number of people who followed our adoption blog.

I feel like there's more to me, though than that one journey. I am an adoptive mother, but not only and adoptive mother. I'm a mother of three beautiful children, but not only a mother. This is not to minimize any given role, but to give me a voice to share and process many ideas on many levels.

More and more, I'm realizing that the things that matter are the things that I too easily take for granted or leave unspoken. I don't want to let those moments or thoughts, compliments or stories pass me by. I think that one of the things that matter is being known. You may have heard of the Johari Window. The "known to others, but unknown to self" is where I'm hoping you will come in, dear reader. Comments and emails welcome.

Let me end with words wiser than my own:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" -Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

carol said...

I totally feel what you are saying. I think my blog has given me an outlet to be me. I feel like it's unacceptable to others when I say "I'm more than a mom or a wife." As if that would minimize the importance of the role. But, it's true and that is all right :)
I'm glad you have a blog, I know I'll enjoy it!