Friday, December 5, 2008

Advent Part 1: Light

Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. Advent has different meanings for different people. For my oldest daughter, it means chocolate. She loves the $0.99 cardboard calendar that has chocolate behind every window.

For me, it's been a lot of things. Few of them have really been full of meaning, honestly. It's been formal. A tradition (which is not a bad thing). An attempt at being purposeful in a season where meaning can get swept away in business and good intentions.

The more I've heard people I respect talking about it--particularly this year--the more it's finally absorbing into my soul. We've observed Advent a little differently each and every year it's been a part of our family's traditions. This year, we're taking a little bit of time at a Sunday meal to light a candle and talk about the story of the first Christmas. I think I was hoping that sharing the story with my kids would make it more meaningful to me--fill my soul. It's brought the story to life. There's nothing like holding a baby on Christmas to make you think about that young mother and another miracle baby so long ago. For me, I'm realizing that sharing the story with our kids is just one part of the Advent experience.

Here's what I'm doing this year. I'm focusing on just one word each week. This week (yes, I know it's Friday already...) I've been focusing on the the word Light. Advent uses light and darkness to capture the essence of the season. We are in the days of dwindling light before Winter Solstice on December 21. The more frequent grey days are very affecting for me--how about you? Each minute of true sunlight and blue sky is so needed and refreshing. We need light. We need it. Sunlight impacts our body's ability to process vitamins. It affects our very being. Our chemistry.

What about our souls? Jesus was called "the light of the world." My soul has been following the seasons. Getting darker and colder and stiff. Wanting to hibernate. I need the light. I need it to warm my soul. Soften the hard places. Light the places that are void. Show me where my soul needs some more attention. Burn away the impurities. I want to relax into the light--like laying on a warm beach letting the sun soak deeply into my skin.

I think Advent is observed over weeks because we (at least I) need time to move from darkness to light. From the hard, deep, cold into warmth. It doesn't happen in one day. In one meal. In one observance. It's a daily process to soak into our souls and bring us back to life. Back from the dark nights of our souls into the light.

Welcome to the light. Jesus. Please bring light to my soul.


Peter and Nancy said...

We've celebrated Advent a little differently each year, too. One thing I always look forward to, though, is Christmas lights -- on our tree, on top of the piano, outside our house. The darkness at this time of year gets to me, too, and makes me hungry for celebrating the Light. Thanks for your reflections -- can't wait for the rest of the weeks' words.
-- Nancy

Alison said...
