Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thought for the Day

"...I don't think for a minute that a centered life is the solution to all our problems. Rather it is a way to respond to our problems. We don't withdraw from the world to a center. We respond to the world from our center."

-Sue Monk Kidd, God's Joyful Surprise

I've been struggling a bit lately and often find myself going to Kidd's earlier books like this one and Firstlight for perspective and insight.

So I'm sharing it because I suspect I'm not alone and to let you know that I'm in process. The danger of blogs is that they present a very small and stylized snapshot of my life or the life of someone else. Lest you think I think deep thoughts and am stable and happy all the time, let me be clear. :) I do have an amazing support system all around me and know that these struggles are an opportunity to take a deep look at my life and thinking processes and to move in a healthier direction. Course corrections, would be the best way to sum it up.

So, I'm trying to go back to the center. To look around and see how I'm responding to problems and see what that says about my center now and what needs to change.


Alison said...

I've been thinking about this lately, too! My blog could lead one to believe I have it all together-NOT that case! It's always good to receive encouragement and have reminders that we are not alone. I've never read anything by Sue Monk Kidd. Maybe I should. :-)

Amber said...

Interesting that you both fear your blog will make people think you have it all together, because I'm afraid people will read my blog and think I'm constantly coming apart!:) Or that I'm always super serious and processing when the reality is I equally enjoy a good laugh and some silliness. Ah, the dangers of a blog...:)