Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blahs into Beauty

Late winter contentment is hard for many to find. I sometimes find myself in this category. Slightly warm days awaken my longing for spring. Spring fever in February in Indiana? Bad idea!! Walking past my dormant flower beds as I go in and out of the house make me wish for color and variety and life. When the cold and rain and grey clouds return with delayed hopes for spring's return my shoulders drop. My disappointment and impatience rise and I join in the whiny grown-up chorus, "How much lonnnnger??"

Lately, though, I've been pushing back against my impatience for spring and warmth and light. Mostly because I don't have a choice! Winter is not yet over. Getting frustrated about winter weather in winter is a waste of energy. We are not good at savoring times of rest as a culture. Our collective groan at this last stretch of winter is proof.

I'm trying to breathe slowly. Lower my weather expectations. Savor this season of soups and sweaters as it stretches out a few more weeks. I'm trying to admire the shades of brown and silhouetted trees. There is a beauty in it. So, join me in resting, waiting, looking for the beauty--austere, though it may be.

Here's what I found today in my yard:
I played with this one a little on iPhoto, but I love the subtle red buds.

This is my fence line in the back yard. I see this everyday from my kitchen window. I love how these seed pods look all together.
This is my favorite.

Wishing you joy and contentment today.

1 comment:

Andrea Moberly said...

Thanks for that reminder. I love it when just one look outside helps you recapture the wonder of whatever season you happen to be in!